Introduction about event & conference

Introduction about event & conference

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Doc? Am I to understand you’re still hanging around with Doctor Emmett Brown, McFly? Tardy slip for you, Miss Parker. And one for you McFly I believe that makes four in a row. Now let me give you a nickle’s worth of advice, young man. This so called Doctor Brown is dangerous, he’s a real nuttcase. You hang around with him you’re gonna end up in big trouble. Wait a minute. How’s your head? Okay Doc, this is it. What do you mean you’ve seen this, it’s brand new.

Kids, we’re gonna have to eat this cake by ourselves, Uncle Joey didn’t make parole again. I think it would be nice, if you all dropped him a line. Breakfast. That Biff, what a character. Always trying to get away with something. Been on top of Biff ever since high school. Although, if it wasn’t for him- Hey man, look at Marvin’s hand. He can’t play with his hands like that, and we can’t play without him. When could weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future.
McFly. Hey wait, wait a minute, who are you? Stella, another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car. Come on out here, help me take him in the house. Okay, that’s enough. Now stop the microphone. I’m sorry fellas. I’m afraid you’re just too darn loud. Next, please. Where’s the next group, please. Yeah well, I saw it on a rerun. Hey c’mon, I had to change, you think I’m going back in that zoot suit? The old man really came through it worked.


I’m gonna ram him. What the hell is a gigawatt? No, no, George, look, it’s just an act, right? Okay, so 9:00 you’re strolling through the parking lot, you see us struggling in the car, you walk up, you open the door and you say, your line, George. Well, because George, nice girls get angry when guys take advantage of them. Why thank you, Marty. George. Good morning, sleepyhead, Good morning, Dave, Lynda.

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That’s true, Marty, I think you should spend the night. I think you’re our responsibility. What Lorraine, what? Marty, such a nice name. Please note that Einstein’s clock is in complete synchronization with my control watch. That was the day I invented time travel. I remember it vividly.

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It’s information about the future isn’t it. I warned you about this kid. The consequences could be disastrous. Alright, I’m ready. Leave her alone, you bastard. You bet. Alright, McFly, you’re asking for it, and now you’re gonna get it. Doc, you gotta help me. you were the only one who knows how your time machine works. Doc, she didn’t even look at him. Now, Biff, um, can I assume that your insurance is gonna pay for the damage? That’s a great idea. I’d love to park. Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going.

I don’t know, I can’t keep up with all of your boyfriends. No, Doc. What do you mean you’ve seen this, it’s brand new. Right. Well, what if they didn’t like them, what if they told me I was no good. I guess that would be pretty hard for somebody to understand.

Speaking Event